

IT Bio LLC. IT (Immune Therapy) Bio was founded in 2018 with long-term objective to develop advanced generation “designer” CAR-T for HIV therapies. In parallel, we are developing technology to improve checkpoint receptor therapy in cancers.


Richard P. Junghans, Ph.D.

Founder and President of IT Bio LLC. 

Expert in molecular immunology, one of the pioneers in CAR-T cells with publications in HIV and PML CAR-T and in oncology applications with publications of clinical trials of CAR-T. He has substantial clinical experience in CRB therapies for treatment of T cell exhaustion in cancer subjects. As president Dr. Junghans provides leadership, oversees drug design, research activities, and strategic operations at IT Bio.

Contact rpj@itbiollc.com

Oksana Serebrennikova, Ph.D.

Laboratory Manager of IT Bio LLC.

Dr. Serebrennikova is expert in immunology, molecular and cell biology. Dr. Serebrennikova is involved in the construction and application of the CAR3 (3-signal) constructs. 

Contact oserebrennikova@itbiollc.com

Chengxiang Wu, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist of IT Bio LLC.

Dr. Chengxian Wu is expert in molecular biology, molecular virology and immunology.   Dr. Wu has experience in construction of viral vectors, high efficiency vector-mediated CAR-T transduction, and CAR-T test in non-human primate (NHP). Dr. Chengxiang is currently engaged in vector construction, NHP T cell transduction, and expansion for animal studies.

Contact chengxiangwu@itbiollc.com


Steven Braun, Ph.D.

Dr. Steven Braun of Tulane University oversee the Tulane National Primate Research Center (TNPRC). IT Bio collaborate with Dr. Braun Vector Core laboratory to perform scale-up of vector for in vivo NHP testing. The Braun lab will perform the autologous NHP T cell modifications that are handed off to the TNPRC staff for infusion and monitoring.  

John J Rossi, Ph.D.

Dr. John J Rossi, Professor Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, City of Hope. Dr. Rossi is an expert in RNA based therapeutics. Dr. Rossi developed anti-HIV RNAi for the purpose of infection-proofing the CD4 CAR-T cells. Dr. Rossi will collaborate with IT Bio LLC on blocking HIV-induced T cell exhaustion as a component of a new advanced generation CAR-T therapy for HIV.

Gail Skowron, MD.

Dr. Gail Skowron, Professor Brown University. Dr. Gail has extensive experience in clinical HIV/AIDS, expert in immunology of HIV. Dr. Gail will provide perspective on NHP clinical data as they develop and guidance in preclinical and ultimately in clinical HIV studies to follow.

Brent Cochran, Ph.D.

Dr. Brent Cochran, Professor of Development, Molecular and Chemical Biology.
Dr. Cochran is an expert in cancer biology and cancer stem cells in glioblastoma.
Dr. Cochran collaborates with IT Bio on glioblastoma mouse model.

Additional Collaborations

Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston MA and University of Maine, Orono ME.